

Welcome to the 24/7 Online Radio Group. We provide a diverse range of unique licensed music tracks from independent artists and producers on our webcasting and internet radio stations. They are also available on live streams and phone apps. From a diverse range of jazz on Jazz Radio International, period and modern classical and instrumental music on Classical Radio International, and easy listening coffee break, chillout and lounge music on 24/7 Online Radio. and 24/7 London Radio. If you want an alternative experience, then 24/7 Nature Radio provides 24/7 soundscapes of nature and the natural environment. Listen to birdsong, seawaves, falling rain, walks in forests and much more. Other options include  or meditative tracks on 24/7 SciFi Radio.

Annually, on 30th April,  we dedicate the programmes on 24/7 Online Radio, 24/7 Jazz Radio and Jazz Radio International to International Jazz Day.

24/7 Jazz Radio & 24/7 Classical Radio USING MIXCLOUD CLOUDCASTS

In 2019 we launched 24/7 Online Radio Group cloudcast shows on Mixcloud. The stations websites are at: 24/7 Jazz Radio & 24/7 Classical Radio.

We have facebook pages for all of our stations, ‘liked’ by many of our fans and supporters. The facebook pages provide a place for our listeners to interact with each other and us plus also be kept up to date with news about music events from around the world. Below we list 4 of our Facebook pages.

  1. Classical Radio International Facebook Page
  2. Jazz Radio International Facebook Page
  3. 24/7 Online Radio Facebook Page
  4. 24/7 Nature Radio

Do consider following our twitter feed which has music related tweets 24/7. We are very keen partners and supporters of International Jazz Day since 2016.

Non-PRO Music

Our stations play music tracks (or sounds of nature tracks) which are Non-P.R.O. (ie Music, composers, creators, producers and musicians who are not registered with any Performing Rights Organisations (PRO) or Collective Management Organisation (CMO). Our agreements and licenses are directly with the copyright holders ie the composer/creator/publisher who produces their own work and records their own music and/or the music library which holds the licence with non-PRO composer/creator/musicians. Therefore our stations do not play popular modern hit songs by well known artists.

Although we welcome submissions by non-PRO music libraries who produce their own work and are the copyright holders, if we purchase access to the collection, we need a written worldwide non-exclusive license agreement to stream their works.

We do not stream to a number of countries including USA, France, Spain or their overseas dependencies. For more information please take a look at our Geo-protection page.


Yes, where we have set up the system, those stations are interactive! You can choose from our music tracks and we will play your track next. You can even leave a message for your friends. Visit 24/7 Lofi Radio and give it a go now!

We look forward to providing you with music to help you stay focused when working and relaxed when you want to chill out. Thank you for visiting our online radio website.

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